2019: A Bad Start to an Unforgettable Year

A new year always brings hope and aspirations whether it was a good year or a bad one. Last December, I told myself that 2019 would be a year full of new opportunities, and with a lot of perseverance, it was.


After searching for a full-time job for six months, I wasn’t in the best state of mind as 2019 rolled around. The next few months were a lot like the last few months of 2018: working at the Reading Eagle, Marshalls, freelance writing and driving all over the place — Philly, Harrisburg, Hershey, New Jersey and everywhere in between — to go to job interviews. While some adults in my lives told me about the communication majors who never got jobs in the field, I wouldn’t give up. And now know that all the hard times were worth it.

Once I landed my new job as a public relations associate at Communication Solutions, everything changed. I have been involved in many exciting projects that I couldn’t imagine when I first started working here.

A recent, awesome experience was my first fire company photo shoot with Ringing Hill Fire Co. For some of the photos, I pretended to be a car crash victim that was stuck inside the car. After I was “rescued” by firefighters, the car was set on fire for some pretty cool action photos of the volunteers putting the fire out. We will be using all the photos for their volunteer recruitment website, brochures, postcards, social media and other marketing materials in the new year.

With my notebook, collecting volunteer testimonials at the photo shoot.


In addition to work, I can’t believe I’ve lived in my apartment for more than six months! It’s great knowing I can do everything by myself and am proud to call my apartment mine, but has been hard at times.

I am so happy to have a Christmas tree that I am borrowing from my sister. Yet carrying a box with a 7-foot tree inside was not something I enjoyed doing by myself.

Christmas tree

Yay, my first Christmas tree!

I also learned that I miss my mom and dad a lot more than I thought I would. Despite the perks of never consulting anyone on what to eat for dinner or to watch on Netflix, the extrovert in me needs to talk! It gets lonely at my apartment, especially on the weekends. One Saturday, the only conversation I had was with a Target cashier until around 5 p.m. when Chad came over. I was starting to lose my mind!


My boss (who is very awesome by the way) bought me kickboxing classes as part of my Christmas gift at I Love Kickboxing!  I was nervous and slightly intimidated at first, but once the moves started to feel more natural, it was a lot of fun. It makes me feel strong and powerful as I punch and kick the bag.

My co-worker Nicole and I before a black light class.

Happy Holidays Everyone!


My 2018 highlights (and lowlights)

The first year I wasn’t a student anymore…weird

Unless you count before prechool, which I barely remember, 2018 was the first year that I wasn’t a student. It was weird to watch DeSales go on without me and not write any academic papers. And as all the older people say, “time flies” and it did. It went really fast just working and not measuring the year by semesters.

I had ups and downs on my professional journey

After working part time at the Reading Eagle for a year, I began looking for full time positions in writing and communication. While I thought I would be further along in my career and have been going on numerous interviews with no luck, I am hopeful an opportunity will arise in the new year. I also make sure to celebrate the victories in my current position at the Reading Eagle. My latest article was featured as a cover story in the Berks Country section, which was very exciting to see.

Three weddings: lots of love

This year was full of love, celebrating three weddings, and being a bridesmaid in my best friend Skye’s wedding!

The Eagles won the Super Bowl!

I’m grateful to be able to witness a Super Bowl win in my lifetime. And with the Eagles in the playoffs, maybe there are more Super Bowl rings to come.

My dream of seeing Kesha in concert came true

For a while I thought Kesha would never be able to perform again and was so happy when she was free from court battles with Dr. Luke. Kesha and Macklemore had so much fun on stage and brought energy to the crowd despite the pouring rain.

I got a foot in the door…literally

Lesson of the year: don’t kick random people’s cars. Thanks!

The side not posted on social media:

This year was full of a lot of good times and new memories, but my year was more than all the colorful photos that I posted above or on social media. The year was full of loss, mistakes, arguments and doubts. We all have bad days.

 Hopeful for the New Year

Although 2018 was rocky on a professional level, I am thankful that all other aspects of my year — family, friendships, relationship, health — were pretty positive. I can’t help but be hopeful that 2019 has good surprises ahead of me and believe that this will be the year that I get a new job and advance my career. And with that, perhaps my first place and adventures in a new city. Cheers to the New Year!

2017 year in review & 2018 goals

2017 will be best known as the year I graduated from DeSales UniversityIMG_3094 2

It was a lot of hard work and finally graduating with a B.A. in communication was bittersweet. I was sad to leave my friends, my professors, who were such big influences in my life, and the college newspaper, The Minstrel. I was also excited to be finally done and a couple of weeks later, I had an interview with the Reading Eagle, which led to my first job in journalism.

To learn more about my year, read: Missing the back-to-school vibe this year, My new job as an obituary writer is the opposite of depressing, Saying goodbye to my role as editor-in-chief. 

I bought my first car, a 2017 Chevy Sonic in July

Before this car, I co-owned a car with my dad that I paid him back for, so it was exciting to be the sole owner of the car and finance it myself.

Five months later, the car was totaled

Read about the impaired driver that caused the accident in the Reading Eagle here.

Chad and I got back together

After being apart for a year, dating other people and learning about ourselves, Chad and I reconnected and started dating again. We needed the time apart and have learned a lot, and now our relationship is stronger than ever.

I experienced a lot of firsts

I went to my first Eagles game and NASCAR race, ran in 5Ks, visited wineries, went hiking in new places and finally got a Netflix account. I visited Washington, D.C., for the first time and completely geeked out at the Newseum. I took a hand-lettering class, which created a fun, relaxing pastime for me. And I also tried new food like Moe’s and Duck Donuts, and ate an overwhelming amount of ice cream. Thanks to all my friends and family for making these experiences memorable and being there for me.

I was disgusted by the news

Despite what was occuring in my life, the news was hard to ignore, especially when I want to be a news reporter. Of course there is too much to cover, but 2017 seemed to be full of more shootings, terrorist attacks and violence than ever before. Although devastating hurricanes and earthquakes rocked the world, the U.S. pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord and it is clear President Trump has no concern about climate change or the environment. This makes it even more important for everyone to do their part for the Earth. Lastly, all the sexual assault allegations were disturbing, but the #MeToo movement was the silver lining by inspiring women to stand up for themselves and speak out. I hope this leads to actual change in 2018 and doesn’t just get pushed under the rug.

2018 career goals

I actually never made a resolution last year because I was focused on graduating and finding a job, and thankfully I accomplished that. This year I don’t exactly have a resolution either, but I have a lot goals for my career in 2018. I would like to leave Marshalls and find something more fulfilling to supplement my part-time job at the Reading Eagle; however, the longterm goal is to obtain a full-time job as a reporter.

2018 personal goals

When college ended and I had more free time, I started exercising more by running, lifting weights and doing core workouts. I just got an ab wheel for Christmas and plan to continue exercising and staying fit in the New Year. I also want to work on not letting the little things bother me so much and enjoying what I have.